CALU announces a new Mentorship Program!!!

On behalf of the Board of Directors, Kelly Adams, Chair, is pleased to announce the launch of a new CALU Mentorship Program! This is a pilot program for six months. From the learnings of this pilot, we may launch an annual program in May 2023.

Please note that the pilot is open to Members and Provisional Members at this time. Associates may be able to participate at a later date.

Mentor benefits

As a mentor, you will unlock your treasured experiences with other members, paying it forward to

the next leaders of the industry.

  • Opportunity to nurture new talent and potential future collaborators 

  • Opportunities to develop leadership, communication, and other soft skills

  • Personal and professional growth

  • Raised self-esteem and fulfillment that comes from giving back to one’s profession

  • Opportunity to network with other mentors 

Mentee benefits

As a mentee, you will accelerate your growth by learning from those who have gone before you.

  • Help navigating and advancing in their careers

  • Wisdom and perspective from a more experienced professional

  • Help setting and achieving goals

  • Opportunities for skill development and new knowledge

  • Networking opportunities 

  • Meaningful professional relationship that could lead to future opportunities 


2022-23 Mentorship Program

  • November 10, 2022 - February 28, 2023